Title 42 Ends, But Harsh Restrictions on Migrants Continue

by | May 12, 2023 | Peace & Service

For the last two years, the U.S. government has expelled people fleeing persecution and violence. The message to millions of migrants was clear: your lives aren’t worth protecting. This was done under the authority of Title 42—a public health rule used during the pandemic to restrict access to asylum.

Yesterday, Title 42 ended. Yet even as we celebrate its expiration, we know that the right to pursue safety in the United States remains threatened.

The Biden administration, anticipating an increased volume of people seeking asylum, recently released a plan that features new restrictions on eligibility. These make it extremely difficult to exercise the right to seek protection.

Meanwhile, the House passed a harsh border security and immigration bill yesterday. H.R. 2 would reestablish the use of family detention and eliminate humanitarian aid programs that offer support for arriving migrants, preventing Congress from ever funding them in the future. These are malicious steps in the wrong direction. FCNL joined the American Friends Service Committee in opposing this legislation.

The fundamental right to seek refuge is protected under international and domestic law. (Read more from FCNL’s Marcia Orellana.) For us, as people of faith and conscience, our call to welcome the stranger and care for the vulnerable is even clearer. Rather than punishing people seeking protection, we should be building the infrastructure needed to safely and efficiently process new arrivals. The U.S. government should also invest in a sustainable, community-based system of welcome.

One of our greatest moral callings as a society is to protect the vulnerable. Human movement cannot be prevented. People will always pursue safety and freedom. We must work to ensure welcome, inclusion, dignity, shared security, and compassion for those seeking refuge in our country.


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The Friends Committee on National Legislation is a national, nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, and environmental stewardship. This Week in the World. The FCNL weekly newsletter of advocacy actions and updates and opportunities to take action on the issues you care about.