Re-Building Faith in Changing Times

Re-Building Faith in Changing Times

Please come to Oakwood Friends School for NYYM’s 328th Summer Sessions. We’ll be exploring the theme Re-Building Faith in Changing Times. Though the most visible change for us initially will be the new venue, other new things are likely to mean more to us:...
Memorial: Viola Hale Hathaway on 8/26 at 10 a.m.

Memorial: Viola Hale Hathaway on 8/26 at 10 a.m.

Viola Hale Hathaway died on June 3, in Clare, Michigan. She was 93 years old. Until moving to Michigan in 2021, she had been a long-time resident of the Hudson Valley, having spent 26 years in New Paltz, before moving to Poughkeepsie in 2003. Her husband of 42 years,...
Buzzing Together: A Weekend Connection Point

Buzzing Together: A Weekend Connection Point

Buzzing Together: A weekend connection point for the Children, Youth and Young Adult Community! Saturday, May 6-Sunday, May 7 at Chatham Summit Meeting, 158 Southern Boulevard, Chatham, NJ. Register here. Calling all New Jerseyites (and those Friends who would like to...
Why is FCNL a Climate Action Champion?

Why is FCNL a Climate Action Champion?

A conversation with Clarence Edwards, Friends Committee for National Legislation’s (FCNL) Legislative Director for Sustainable Energy and Environment will be presented on Sunday, April 23, 1-2:00 p.m. at: Brooklyn Friends Meeting 110 Schermerhorn Street...