What Friends Can Do About Gun Violence

- 10:00am – 11:15am – Poughkeepsie Friends Meeting for Worship in the Oakwood Friends School Meeting Room
- 11:30am – 12:30pm – Brunch in the Oakwood Friends School. All are welcome, please rsvp!
- 1:00pm – Presentation by Peter Murchison in Oakwood Friends School Meeting Room
About Peter Murchison
America is awash in gun violence and there are few issues that seem so polarizing. Calling for stricter laws alone ignores the cultural backdrop of violence in our country. Preventing gun violence requires a nuanced approach to address its many forms, and to open conversations with people we disagree with. As a people called to “take away the occasion of all wars,” what are Friends doing and what should we be doing?
Peter Murchison is gun violence prevention coordinator for NYYM and serves as clerk of Wilton Quaker Meeting (CT). He has been an active advocate since the Sandy Hook shootings, which took the life of his 7-year-old nephew Daniel Barden.
Peter has run gun buybacks and testified for state-level legislation. He has written for Friends Journal and recorded a QuakerSpeak video that was their most-watched in 2022. He serves on the board of Swords to Plowshares NE, where metal parts harvested from returned weapons are forged into gardening tools and donated to community gardening programs. He partnered with FCNL to present webinars and lobby Congress for change, and runs programs to educate and activate Friends and other faith communities in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.