Gallery A Slice of Quaker Life Grid Format Word-online-editor-edit-doc-docx-files-100-Free (11) Word-online-editor-edit-doc-docx-files-100-Free (10) Pat Lamanna Richard Mattocks & Pat Lamanna Lynne and froggie during a hike in the Mid Hudson Valley shared with Friends Lynne James _FN_photoshop Slider Smaller Grid Word-online-editor-edit-doc-docx-files-100-Free (2) Richard Hathaway 1203430354431159.EaYuCVIFPb7k00V84F8k_height640 Quaker Worship Word-online-editor-edit-doc-docx-files-100-Free (8) PFM Friends Renelda Walker and Honoree Reverend Dr. Jesse Bottoms, Jr. Of Beulah Baptist Church, Poughkeepsie, NYRenelda and Jesse both grew up in Louisville, Kentucky in the 50’s & 60’s! It’s a small world! NYMM Summer 2023 » NYYM ◄ 1 2 3 4 ► [foogallery id="2841"]