Gallery A Slice of Quaker Life Grid Format Word-online-editor-edit-doc-docx-files-100-Free (11) Word-online-editor-edit-doc-docx-files-100-Free (10) Pat Lamanna Richard Mattocks & Pat Lamanna Lynne and froggie during a hike in the Mid Hudson Valley shared with Friends Lynne James _FN_photoshop Slider Smaller Grid 1203430354431159.EaYuCVIFPb7k00V84F8k_height640 Word-online-editor-edit-doc-docx-files-100-Free (2) Richard Hathaway Word-online-editor-edit-doc-docx-files-100-Free (8) Quaker Worship PFM Friends Renelda Walker and Honoree Reverend Dr. Jesse Bottoms, Jr. Of Beulah Baptist Church, Poughkeepsie, NYRenelda and Jesse both grew up in Louisville, Kentucky in the 50’s & 60’s! It’s a small world! Community Garden [foogallery id="2841"]