by daisy | Sep 28, 2024 | Testimonies
Paula Christophersen recalls how, when she first walked into a Quaker meeting as a “spiritual but not religious” person just over half a decade ago, “It almost felt as if… this faith I was discovering fell cleanly through my head and into my...
by daisy | Aug 31, 2023 | Testimonies
Differently Abled Friends and Allies is a working group, under the care of New York Yearly Meeting, where people with or without disabilities can come together and learn from one another’s experiences. “I think Quakers are open to discussing things… but sometimes they...
by daisy | Feb 15, 2023 | Testimonies
EQUALITY Recognizing the dignity of every person…Treating each person with respect…Rejecting all forms of discrimination…Looking for “that of God” in everyone — For centuries Quakers have strived to achieve greater equality in themselves,...
by daisy | Jan 30, 2023 | Testimonies
This text is excerpted from a speech by Dick Hathaway given at an interfaith service in Poughkeepsie, New York, on November 1, 2004. For the complete text, please go to Three weeks ago, when I was invited to stand up here and talk about the Quaker...
by daisy | Dec 9, 2022 | Testimonies
This is a Patheos interview with Laura Mancuso at the Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, Australia. During this video, a series of questions are posed to her about being a Quaker. These questions include: What does it mean to be a Quaker in today’s...
by daisy | Dec 9, 2022 | Testimonies
Be still and cool in thy own mind and spirit . . . And then thou wilt feel the principle of God. ~ George Fox, Early Quaker