This Week in the World: The Voices to Listen to on Gaza

by | Jul 26, 2024 | International

On Wednesday, Congress convened a special joint session to hear from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu sought to rally even greater U.S. military support for a war that continues to inflict unprecedented suffering on the people of Gaza.  

This week, we worked to make sure that our lawmakers also heard an outpouring of voices for peace.

As we call on Congress to reject Netanyahu’s disastrous message, here are some of the powerful voices we’re urging lawmakers to listen to instead:

Families of Israeli hostages: Many lawmakers took time this week to hear from family members of Israeli hostages who traveled to Washington, D.C. to call for a ceasefire.

As one father of an Israeli hostage told Congress, “I implore Democrats and Republicans to do all that you can to let [Netanyahu] know … the time is now to sign this deal, get the hostages home, and stop this killing.”

Israeli and American veterans: On Tuesday, FCNL’s Hassan El-Tayyab joined Common Defense and Breaking the Silence for a press briefing uplifting a petition signed by more 5,000 Israeli and American veterans and military family members calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Palestinian children: In his remarks at the press briefing, Hassan shared powerful messages he heard from Palestinian children at the Ramallah Friends School during his visit to the region earlier this year.

National security experts: At a recent briefing we cohosted for Congressional staff, two former U.S. officials who resigned over the administration’s Gaza policy explained how the war is damaging American credibility and security while putting U.S. service members in the region in peril.

Faith voices: Ahead of the address, FCNL hosted a vigil organized by Churches for Middle East Peace to pray for peace and a ceasefire.

Your voice: Add your voice too to build pressure for a ceasefire! Please join us and urge your lawmakers to reject more disastrous violence and call for peace.


Registration Open for Annual Meeting & Quaker Public Policy Institute 2024!

Advocacy That Never Gives Up. That’s the theme for our 2024 Annual Meeting and Quaker Public Policy Institute. It speaks to the persistence of our powerful community.

Join us in Washington, D.C. or online, Nov. 13-17 as we advocate together and rejuvenate our commitment the work ahead.

Vote Our Future Tour Launches

Our partners at Network Lobby launched the Nuns on the Bus and Friends tour this week with a kick-off event at the Capitol. We’re proud to be part of this campaign to inspire multi-issue, multi-faith voter engagement. FCNL’s Amelia Kegan, who will join the tour in October, spoke about the historic moment we face and the opportunities we have ahead to end poverty and strengthen democracy so that we can all thrive.

Senate Movement for Truth and Healing from Indian Boarding School Era

On Wednesday, a bipartisan coalition of senators urged their colleagues to pass The Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act (S.1723). Senators Elizabeth Warren (MA), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Ed Markey (MA), and Brian Schatz (HI) all spoke passionately from the Senate floor urging action. Right now, the legislation has been released from committee and filed as an amendment to the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA, S. 4638), giving two potential pathways for Senate passage.

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Bryan Bowman 

Social Media and Digital Communications Manager