Discover: The Quaker Testimonies 

The Quaker “experience of the Divine” affects what we do in our personal lives, what we believe, and how we work for changes in the wider world. “Testimonies” are what Quakers call the ways we have found to live and act based on our beliefs. We remember these guiding principles by using the acronym “S.P.I.C.E.S”. Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community Equalty, and Sustainability add meaning to our lives, enriching how we interact with others, and helping us care for the world around us.



Focusing on what is truly important and letting other things fall away.


Seeking justice and healing for all people; taking away the causes for war in the way we live.


Acting on what we believe, speaking truthfully and having our actions match our words.


Supporting one another in our faith journeys and in times of joy and sorrow; sharing with and caring for each other.


Treating everyone, everywhere as equally precious, recognizing that everyone has gifts to share.


Care for the earth: valuing and respecting all of creation.
Using only our fair share of earth’s resources, working to protect the planet.