A Short History of Quaker Faith

Along with the world, Quakerism has evolved and changed over nearly four centuries. Yet still, the fundamental principle that was its original inspiration remains unchanged. That foundational principle is that we are led, led by a Divine Spirit that is known by many names, and is also nameless. This may be called God, the Spirit of Christ, the Living Root, the Inward Light, or simply that which is Eternal. This Loving Guide and Presence enfolds all of space, time, and matter and is the Source of all consciousness and the Creator of all life. We Quakers gather in expectant worship to wait in stillness for the Experience of communion with that Light and Divine Guide. This then leads us directly, orders our lives, and underpins all of our testimonies to the world.
Image Credit: The Presence in the Midst by J. Doyle Penrose
The Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, was founded in the mid-17th century in England by George Fox. Fox, disillusioned with the formalized Church of England and its rituals, sought a direct, personal experience with God. In 1647, he began preaching that every individual could experience God’s presence through the “Inner Light”, which is available to all people, regardless of social or religious status.
Quakers were initially called “Friends” because of their belief in the equality of all people and their commitment to friendship and community. Early Quakers rejected many established church practices, including formal clergy, sacraments, and hierarchical structures. Quaker “Meetings for Worship” are centered on quiet reflection, where all are welcome to speak if moved by the Spirit, and there is no appointed minister. This unique style of worship emphasized personal connection with God.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, Quakers became known for their activism, particularly in the areas of social justice, abolitionism, and peace advocacy. Quakers like Lucretia Mott, Harriet Tubman, and Elizabeth Fry were at the forefront of movements to abolish slavery, promote women’s rights, and improve prison conditions. Their commitment to nonviolence led to Quakers being prominent in the anti-war movements, and their peace testimony continues to be a cornerstone of the faith.
In the 20th and 21st centuries, Quakers have continued work for social justice, focusing on issues such as racial equality, economic justice, environmental sustainability, and LGBTQ+ rights. Many Quaker organizations, like Friends Committee on National Legislation and American Friends Service Committee, work on humanitarian issues both locally and globally.
Today, the Quaker faith remains a diverse and evolving community. While Quakers still emphasize the Inner Light, personal experience of God, and peaceful living, modern Quakers also embrace social change, environmental activism, and community outreach as part of their continuing spiritual journey.

Modern Quaker Friends showing solidarity with immigrant communities in New Hampshire. Photo: Becky Field (AFSC)