Why is FCNL a Climate Action Champion?

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Happenings

A conversation with Clarence Edwards, Friends Committee for National Legislation’s (FCNL) Legislative Director for Sustainable Energy and Environment will be presented on Sunday, April 23, 1-2:00 p.m. at:

Brooklyn Friends Meeting
110 Schermerhorn Street
Brooklyn, NY
and on Zoom

The FCNL Representatives of New York Yearly Meeting invite you to learn about FCNL’s innovative efforts in climate activism and lobbying. Clarence Edwards and FCNL’s team played an important role in ensuring climate justice provisions were included in the historic Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), also known as the Climate Bill.

The IRA changed the game for climate action, not only in the U.S. but globally. President Biden’s climate advisor, John Podesta, calls it “the largest investment to tackle climate change in global history.”

  • How is lobbying for climate different in light of the IRA?
  • After this historic success, what are FCNL’s legislative priorities to address the existential threat and moral challenge of climate change?
  • Why does FCNL see global climate justice as central to its work?
  • What is the responsibility and opportunity for the U.S. to assist more rapid, sustainable progress in the developing world?

Edwards will be interviewed by tech and climate journalist David Kirkpatrick, a member of Bulls Head-Oswego Monthly Meeting. Questions and Answers about FCNL’s climate work and how Friends and attenders can get more involved will follow.

Zoom Information

To join by computer, click this link at the start time. To join by telephone, dial (646) 558-8656. When prompted, enter the Meeting ID 851 2845 7187 and the password 669368. You can also find the Zoom link at brooklynmeeting.org.

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