Growing Older Effects Us All

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Happenings

OBulls Head-Oswego Meeting invites you to Nine Partners Quarterly Meeting for worship, fellowship and answers to important questions about aging.


Sunday August 4


10:30am          Meeting for Worship followed by bag lunch
Bring your lunch. Beverages and dessert provided.


1:00pm             Program: Kevin Lovelady, Director of ARCH


The ARCH Program is for Friends in New York Yearly Meeting and New England Yearly Meeting facing changes brought by aging – and who are interested in giving and receiving peer support to navigate practical, emotional, and spiritual matters. Kevin Lovelady will tell us about the ARCH program, and what resources it can offer.


In-person: 1323 Bulls Head Road, Clinton Corners, NY


Meeting ID: 861 5741 5486 Passcode: 796587 
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