House Appropriators Propose Dramatic Cuts to Foreign Assistance

by | Jun 30, 2023 | Peace & Service

As advocates, our work varies with each Congress and administration. We constantly push for progress, and sometimes that requires us to play defense to protect federal initiatives that save lives and protect the earth.

A few weeks ago, when President Joe Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA-20) reached a deal on the debt ceiling and budget, we knew there would be hard work ahead to protect critical, life-sustaining programs from cutbacks. Their agreement limited overall government spending for two years, reducing program funding in a time of inflation.

That reality became more apparent last week as we got our first real look at what we are up against. Chair Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26) released his House Appropriations subcommittee’s version of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPs) Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2024. This is one of 12 bills that provide funding for the federal government.

The House proposal effectively rejected the Biden-McCarthy negotiated debt ceiling and budget agreement. Instead, the bill proposes dramatic cuts to funding for diplomacy, peacebuilding, economic development, climate adaptation, migration, and humanitarian assistance—funding at 12% below the agreed levels. (Read our detailed analysis here.)

Fortunately, the House does not get the last word.

In the Senate, things are already looking more promising. The Senate Appropriations Committee voted to adhere to the spending levels in the Biden-McCarthy budget agreement. This means significantly more funds will be available to support these vital programs.

As the Senate formulates its proposal, we have a window of opportunity to help lawmakers understand the need to protect and invest in these programs and the communities they serve.

Through our advocacy, we can help ensure that money is allocated to programs that respond to climate change, reduce violent conflict, alleviate suffering, and strengthen diplomacy.

As the House and Senate Appropriations Committees continue their work, FCNL advocates in Washington, D.C., and around the country remain steadfast in our advocacy to protect investments in the critical programs that make an outsized difference in the lives of our neighbors worldwide.


Supreme Court Rolls Back Progress on Affirmative Action

In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the systematic consideration of race in the college admissions process yesterday. “Affirmative action has enriched our communities, workplaces, government, and more. Upending this policy will have disastrous consequences beyond education,” said FCNL’s Bridget Moix. “We are firmly committed to actively challenging the laws, systems, mindsets, policies, and practices that lead to institutionalized racism and injustice.” Read more.

UN Report Finds Conditions at Guantánamo Inhumane

For the first time, human rights investigators were allowed to visit the prison at Guantánamo Bay. They found that the 30 remaining detainees are being held under “cruel, inhuman, and degrading” conditions. Guantanamo has only ever been a strategic, financial, and moral failure. The Biden administration must continue its efforts to transfer the remaining cleared detainees, seek prompt resolution for those who have or can be criminally charged, and close the detention center.

UN Urges De-escalation in West Bank

Seeking to interrupt escalating violence, the U.N. Security Council urged Israel and Palestinians to avoid actions that could further inflame tensions in the West Bank. The statement, backed by the United States and Russia, reflects growing alarm at recent violence, especially by Israeli defense forces and settlers. Urge your members of Congress to ensure taxpayer dollars are not used to support injustices against Palestinians.

Join a Movement for Racial Justice Among Friends

FCNL is a member of the Quaker Coalition for Uprooting Racism, a Quaker racial justice community. They are preparing to open applications for their second cohort of racial justice change-makers. Learn more, sign up for updates, and support the movement!

The Friends Committee on National Legislation is a national, nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, and environmental stewardship. This Week in the World. The FCNL weekly newsletter of advocacy actions and updates and opportunities to take action on the issues you care about.